The puerto Rican & hispanic day parade
parade meetings
Please email us at prparadeofwny@gmail.com to be kept up-to-date with meeting dates and times.
Our Mission
To promote and celebrate our Puerto Rican and Hispanic traditions by planning events that will enrich our culture, and maintain its viability. To educate our youth today for future generations by faithfully engaging in the preservation of our heritage.
Misión de Declaración
Promover y celebrar las tradiciones Puertorriqueñas e Hispanas a través de la planificación de eventos que enriquecerán nuestra cultura. Educando a nuestros jóvenes hoy para las generaciones del mañana, fielmente dedicados a la preservación de nuestra herencia.

The Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade Association of WNY has always sponsored events that are intended to be a celebration inclusive of all Hispanics, and to encourage pride in our Hispanic Heritage. As the Hispanic community (Puerto Rican, Mexican, Dominicans, Cubans, Colombians, and others from the Caribbean, Central America and South America Hispanics) continues to grow right here in the Western New York area, it is with great pride we continue to celebrate our parade and events.
2019 was the largest parade and event in history. We had well over 2,500 participants from 78 organizations marching with us from WNY, Rochester, Erie PA, Canada, etc.
We invite everyone to mark their calendars and come celebrate the 22nd Annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY. To kick off our celebration we invite you to join us for a flag raising ceremony on Thursday August 8, 2024 starting at noon at Buffalo City Hall Niagara Square.
Then join us Parade day Saturday August 17 @ 12 PM as we march down Avenida San Juan "Niagara Street." After the Parade we will be having a free concert for the community in Niagara Square @ 1PM. We look forward to seeing you.
Charles F. Torres

2024 Borinquen leadership Scholarship
Applications now Open
(This program is for Young Ladies & Young Men)
Deadline is Friday, June 30, 2024
Eligibility Requirements: WNY Resident
Past recipients eligible to re-apply
The Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade (PRHDP) is now accepting applications for its 2023 Borinquen Leadership Scholarship Program.
Applicants must be high school seniors or full-time college/university students in their freshman through junior years in college.
To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
● Be of Puerto Rican or Hispanic descent (at least one parent);
● Have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or better, or equivalent high school grade;
● Be a high school senior or freshman through junior in college, ages of 15 through 19;
● Be enrolled in an accredited two or four-year college/university, for college students;
● Have a track record of doing volunteer work or community service;
● Participate in an interview with a member(s) of the scholarship selection committee.
For more information please email: missborinquenwny@gmail.com
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